About a year ago Jay, Kai and Egan had a lot of fun creating a beanbag challenge. Basically, the challenge was, you couldn’t get off the beanbag. Last one on, wins. Well, since that day Jay has been dreaming of ways to do this challenge even better. He bought a special prize for the winner in Canada (Coke flavoured tictacs) and he planned out all sorts of challenges for the game. He put these challenges on small pieces of paper and then put them inside balloons. Some of them are benefits (you get to walk around for 5 minutes) , and some make the game harder (like eat salty pretzels, drink lots of water, and then once you have to leave to go to the bathroom you are out.) Well, after lots of planning, tonight was the night and Jay, Kai, Egan and Jay’s friend Mark enjoyed another night of the beanbag challenge 2.0.