Sometimes it feels difficult that the world is so big. We are really extremely blessed to have family and friends all over the world. It makes ‘hellos’ sweet and ‘goodbyes’ hard. This past week we had Vovka and Yulia here from Kyiv, and we saw Kate and Matyas (who worked with us in Kyiv but have moved to Hungary). We sat around the kitchen table, ate, laughed and even cried at how difficult it is that the war goes on. I know that for our family, it filled our souls to be with friends. Tonight Sasha, another teammate from Kyiv (who has been working in Romania) will come stay with us a few days, and on Friday more friends from Kyiv (Japhin and Marie) will come.

I have been re-reading a book on different Worldviews (a classic worldview book called ‘The Universe Next Door’ by James W. Sire) and one of the ways that you analyze a worldview is looking at the category of personality. Why do humans have personality? Is it important? Personality draws us into relationship. In the Christian Worldview, humans have personality and desire relationship. The source is in the Trinity (both personality and relationship is found in One God-three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

I am grateful to God for friends, for family, for love, for personalities that make everyone different, and for relationships!