Kai loves Pi day!

Pi is 3.14 which makes March 14th pi day.

Kai had the idea to take 200 digits after 3.14 and give each number a music note (for example 1 is A 2 is B etc.) then he transposed them on a music sheet and had his piano teacher play them (it was a bit complex for him). We thought this was a really fun idea! Similar to many people who have taken the constants of the universe that God made and made them into art (an interesting book about this is Nancy Pearcey’s book called Saving Leonardo). Here is the music it made.

Kai’s loving heart

Every night when I read to my kids (yes I still do that!) Kai is quick to thank me afterwards, telling me that he appreciates that I spend time with him and that he loves to just be together!

I am grateful for this, because this year as he is in 6th grade, it means that he is really starting to grow up. He is playing sports this year, he was in the musical Aladdin as well (and did a great job!), he is learning the alto-saxophone and continues piano. My baby is growing up (as he should!) and this mom is so proud! I’m thankful though that his loving, tender heart is still the same and that he isn’t afraid to show it.

Birthdays, Musicals and Volleyball

Every year we begin to prepare for the new season. Not spring, or winter or even summer or fall… but birthday season! From April 15-May 25 we celebrate all of the kid’s birthdays. We sit down with each child and ask, “What do you want for your birthday breakfast and dinner? Is there a special dessert? Do you want a party with lots of people, or just a small one with a few friends?” Each of the kids always choose different things, but we hope that each knows that they are loved and celebrated. Of course, throw into the crazy birthday month an exciting volleyball season, a high school musical ‘The music man’, awards ceremonies, and let’s not forget mothers day…oh and… well let’s just say that it has been a full month!

Coffee Mom?

Every morning Kai makes me a cup of coffee with my Aeropress. He wakes up at 6:00am to begin his morning routine. He started this about a month ago, and I didn’t think it would last, but this kid has a strong sense of disciple and scheduling.

It is so kind of him to make everyone oatmeal and my coffee, and he does it with joy. Such a blessing to have Kai as our son!

Kai – Game building

Kai is a very creative person. We have done our best to encourage him in this area!
Recently I (Angela) was teaching Genesis in Germany. The very first verse, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” uses the Hebrew word ‘Bara’ for create. This word in the Bible is only used for when God creates – he uniquely has a power of creating that is unlike ours! And yet, he does call humanity to be in his image, and we are also creators, but with a small c. We can only take the things that God has made already and refashion them, combine them, carve them, etc. But it is one of the things that gives us the most joys as humans – think of when you have created a work of art, baked a beautiful cheesecake, planted a new garden, built a deck, or built a new game…

Built a new game? Yes! Our family really loves playing games together. All kinds of games- deck building games, engine building games, strategy games, even games of chance (but less so). We are not really fans of cooperative games (where there is a goal everyone is trying to achieve- we like to compete against each other!)

Kai has been dreaming up games for probably the past year or two. He thinks of a theme like nature or food or something, and then he designs a challenge, cards, characters, etc. He really has come up with some great ideas. Sometimes he is sad because he thinks it is impossible for him as a little kid to actually publish one of these games. I keep telling him to write all of these ideas down. One day he might be a professional game designer and he will be sad if he doesn’t have a record of these games! Last week he began his game journal- we will see what the future brings.


Kai is the youngest and that can be difficult. The older ones always get to do things first, the older ones like to tell the youngest what to do, etc. However, the youngest also gets to snuggle longer with mom, and maybe gets a bit more help and attention. One of the things I am so grateful for is that Kai and Jay have each other to play with. Throughout the day they play games, make up games, read each other’s books etc. My prayer is that they will always look out for each other and love each other deeply as they get older. This photo was taken in a few beautiful little courtyard in downtown Budapest.