The best way to give love to this 12-year-old son is to sit with him and listen. He loves to talk about all of his ideas. Just the other day he said, “I wish we had a debate club at school, then I could debate with people who enjoyed it.” He will definitely find a career that enables him to share his thoughts and ideas with others. But before he gets into that stage of life, there is school…

This weekend Jay is at his first school retreat. Ben is with him as a middle school teacher and they are staying at a place a few hours away from Budapest. Interestingly, the school adopts a system similar to the British, and divides the school into ‘houses.’ I thought that was just a Harry Potter thing, but my kids informed me that it is a British thing. Who knew?! It will be lots of games, snacks, activities, and they will also have a speaker who will share with them about God’s love. I’m looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing all about the activities.