Currently I am reading Sally Clarkson’s Mission of Motherhood (this is one of those books I would buy for all new mothers if I could). She shared a story about how her family loves to talk, debate and discuss issues. This sounds a lot like our family. Since I am one of those peace-loving people that usually feels uncomfortable in a strong discussion, I have been trying to encourage myself to allow for these strong debates that naturally occur in our family. Here is what Clarkson says:

“This story (told in the past few paragraphs) depicts our everyday lives – opinions stated, issues debated, topics taught and learned, questions asked, books and experts quoted, and heartfelt convictions passionately shared while washing dishes, eating meals, or sitting around the living room drinking tea. And even tough they may occasionally get out of hand, these discussions, perhaps more than any other family activity have shaped our children’s lives for the better.

Why are such discussions important?…They teach our children to think about Jesus – and to think biblically about every aspect of their lives! They are part of an ongoing process of sharpening minds, focusing thoughts, and allowing biblical truth to shape our mental processes as well as fill our hearts.” Clarkson, S. (2003). The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child’s Heart of Eternity. WaterBrook. p. 100.

I am thankful for a family where we all allow each other to grow, learn and be challenged – even if that means sometimes the peace is disrupted for awhile.