
I keep seeing more and more of the amazing imagination that God has given Cassie. She loves to read…and I mean really read…she reads and reads and reads! Some of my favorites we have read together are Anne of Green Gables (all of the books), Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, The Secret Garden, The Little Princess, and more.

Lately she has also started to really enjoy musicals, which I think is really cool because it combines story and music. She listens to a lot of different ones, but Hamilton has definitely been her favourite. I just wish that she would sing along and let me listen.

Borrowing my clothes

When I (Ang) was little and I had nothing to wear I would sometimes go down the hall in the opposite direction of my room. I would enter into the sacred space of my parents room 🙂 I would go to my Mom’s closet, open the bi-fold door and peruse the options in front of me. It was so nice when I was finally around the same size. Well, this morning I was hit with the fact that Cassie has grown up so much. She wore my coat to school today because she likes it better than her own. How is my sweet daughter already 11 going on 20?!

Great friends at school

Cassie has made some wonderful friends at school this year in Winnipeg. Some of those friends are Teren, Elyse, Norah, Savannah, and many more that I (mom) can’t remember. But of course she still remembers her wonderful friends at her school in Kyiv. What a blessing to have friends all over the world!

Cassie Grade 5

Cassie’s teacher has been just the right fit for Cassie this year! She has inspirational quotes all over her classroom just like Cassie does around her own room. She also has lots of reading assignments which is one of Cassie’s favorite things to do. 

Cassie and her fort

So the other day Cassie tells me she has made a fort. It was a little corner in her room where the dresser is pulled out a bit from the wall and a blanket covers the entrance. I thought this would be fun for just one day, but she has been sleeping and reading in this tiny little corner for weeks! What a crazy girl!

This time of year…

Cassie’s Blog- I just got into school, well maybe three months ago. Me and mom are reading a book called Anne of Green Gables. It’s about an orphan girl that’s adopted into a family that wanted a boy. She’s VERY dramatic she’s a Drama Queen… only much more expressive

It snowed yesterday the big fluffy kind. I was so happy! Fall break  it’s more like winter break is coming. School is the best ever!  My teacher is nice but firm. In science were learning about plants and animals were growing them in class. In history were finishing up are unit about  The American Revolution. In math were learning about data and probability.