Hockey, Hockey, Hockey

Hockey pads, hockey stats, hockey cards, street hockey, books about hockey…the list goes on. Jay has fallen in love with playing hockey and collecting hockey cards! It is fun to watch him learn to love this Canadian sport as we spend this year home in Canada.

Jay Grade 3

Jay has discovered hockey! It must be the Canadian water. He loves collecting hockey cards with his new friends at school and playing hockey at recess, and going to hockey games. On Sunday he went to his first Jets game and had a blast!

Jay and Ben at the hockey game

Jay’s 8th Birthday

Well, it is official! He is now 8, and he wanted to have a big party with his friends playing lazer tag. We negotiated a little and decided he could do the big party if he was not expecting any gifts from us. It was a bit of a struggle, but the lazer party won out over a gift, and a great time was had by all! It was hard to get pictures in the dark, but we tried 🙂

Jay gets glasses!

One day we were in the shopping mall and I wanted to test Jay’s ability to read Russian cyrillic. I pointed to a sign and asked Jay- “Can you read that?” He said, “No, the words are too blurry Mom”… and that is when I knew.

After a few tests at the eye doctor it was confirmed, Jay has Myopia 🙁 Sad but at least he found some cool glasses to wear, and it is so nice for him to be able to see clearly!


Jay and I read through this verse the other day and talked about strength, inner strength and outer strength. I really pray he grows up to be a trustworthy man, who is honest, hates bribes and stands against injustice. Later that day he decided he wants to be strong on the outside too and wants to do 20 pushups every night. Then he wanted to measure his biceps. 19 centimeters around- both the left and the right.