Teams going to Moldova and Albania

Last year, we gathered the YWAM Bible school staff from all over Europe in Kristiansand, Norway. We prayed together about what should be a focus for us in the future, and one of the things that came out was…outreach! This is very exciting because it is what Ben and I originally went into international work for. We wanted to help people in the churches learn to read and study God’s word for themselves specifically using a very easy method called the ‘inductive method.’ Well, it is still what is on our hearts, and seeing this focus come out of our gathering in Norway was really encouraging. The results? At this moment, two outreach teams are being trained and sent to Moldova and Albania. Angela had the chance to do some teaching over zoom on how to preach in inductive (also know as expository) sermon with the group on Tuesday. They are excited and ready to get going! This will be the first time that a Bible teaching team from the YWAM courses will go to Moldova! Our coworker Sonya is leading the team, so pray for good team dynamics, local opportunities, and future relationships.

Looking back at 2023

The new year gives a great chance for evaluation. How was last year? What will this year be like? In a few weeks we will be submitting our annual report, but for now let me just say that God has been so faithful to our family in every way.

  • We were able to move into a house closer to the kids school; they walk everyday!
  • We continue to use our gifts of teaching to help multiply new Bible teachers.
  • We also remain deeply tied to our friends and coworkers in Ukraine by praying, communicating, hosting, social posting and writing newsletters on behalf of YWAM Kyiv (not to mention zooming in for leadership meetings and promoting Waves of Hope).
  • We joined a small group of families here in Budapest that all came from Kyiv and continue to work within Ukraine while living here due to the kids going to school with our kids. It has been extremely life giving.
  • Ben has enjoyed teaching a second year at the school (it is easier a second time around!), has become more involved with coaching sports, and was able to participate in YWAM Budapest work a bit more.

We feel we are in just the right place for ‘such a time as this’ and are trusting that one day the war will end. In the meantime, we keep working to use our gifts and talents in obedience to God.

Back to School / Back to Work

We all headed back to work after a few days of unpacking and settling into the house we have rented for this year in Budapest. Pray for us to be fruitful, bringing beauty and order and life to everyone around us in the name of Jesus!

Loved sharing about last year!

Thank you to everyone who came to hear about our year of transition from a war zone to Budapest. If you couldn’t be there, we hope you will take some time to watch the video below. You can even speed it up and listen while you are doing dishes 🙂 That is our favorite way to enjoy a podcast.